MarocDroit  -  موقع العلوم القانونية
plateforme des décideurs juridiques - Platform of Legal Decision-Makers

Concerns rise as Morocco maintains 97th position in global corruption index


Morocco maintained the same ranking in the Transparency International report for 2023, placing in 97th place globally, with a score of 38 out of 100, and maintaining the same spot as last year.

The ranking was released in Transparency’s updated “Corruption Perceptions Index” for 2023 during a press conference at its headquarters in Rabat on Tuesday.

During the symposium, Transparency Morocco highlighted Morocco’s stagnant rating in the 2023 report (Score 38/100), emphasizing the perpetuation of systemic corruption.

Transparency Morocco expressed deep concern over Morocco’s continued descent into corruption, noting a decline in rankings and scores over the past five years.

The association urgently called for revitalizing the national anti-corruption strategy and accelerating the legal framework against corruption outlined in the 2011 Constitution.

Transparency Morocco recommended the development of relevant laws and protections for whistleblowers.

The symposium also addressed the frequency of corruption cases, including the involvement of members of the Moroccan Parliament.

Transparency Morocco emphasized the correlation between democratic practices and perceptions of bribery and corruption, citing Scandinavian countries as examples.

Transparency International’s President, Alexandra Herzog, commented that corruption thrives in environments where the rule of law and civil society are weakened.

الاثنين 18 مارس 2024
MarocDroit منصة مغرب القانون "الأصلية"

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